Six-Year-Old Hero Who Saved Younger Sister from Dog Attack Proudly Reveals Incredible Transformation of Painful Facial Scars Following Treatment by Top Doctors, Including Dr. Pimple Popper

After a courageous act of bravery, six-year-old Bridger Walker from Cheyenne, Wyoming, sustained multiple bites to his head and face while protecting his younger sister from a dog attack. However, he is now making an incredible recovery with the help of a team of renowned doctors who have volunteered to treat his facial scars pro bono after being inspired by his story.

So sweet: Bridger (pictured before the attack) is proud of his scars because they’re a reminder of how much he loves his sister

Bridger’s scars, which required 90 stitches, are gradually fading away under the care of top dermatologists, including Dr. Dhaval Bhanusali, Dr. Cory B. Maughan, and Dr. Sandra Lee, also known as Dr. Pimple Popper. These doctors have been providing him with the best possible laser treatments, and he is showing remarkable progress each day.

Bridger is a national hero, and his brave actions have captured the hearts of many people around the world. The generosity of these doctors in offering their services to help him heal his scars is yet another demonstration of the compassion and kindness of humanity

Hero: Bridger Walker, six, from Cheyenne, Wyoming, (pictured in November) has made an incredible recovery after being mauled by a dog this summer while saving his younger sister

Bridger has undergone two rounds of scar reduction treatments since the dog attack incident. In August, shortly after his stitches were removed, the Walkers traveled to New York City for Bridger’s first session with Dr. Bhanusali. During the session, Sciton erbium and Cutera excel V+ lasers were used to smooth Bridger’s skin before the scars had fully set.

Worth it: Inspired by his story, dermatologists Dr. Dhaval Bhanusali, Dr. Cory B. Maughan, and Dr. Sandra Lee, a.k.a. Dr. Pimple Popper have been treating him pro bono

Dr. Bhanusali expressed his admiration for Bridger, stating that the young boy had inspired him during a time of great negativity in the world. The doctor felt privileged to help Bridger, and acknowledged that the dermatology community had come together to provide assistance to the young hero.

Although some may receive credit for Bridger’s treatment, Dr. Bhanusali emphasized that this story was more about the power of the dermatology community to come together and help a child in need. He expressed gratitude for being part of such a wonderful community and acknowledged the privilege that comes with being able to help people heal.



While Bridger was being treated, Dr. Bhanusali reached out to Dr. Lee, who was attending to patients in California, to inform her that the young boy was a huge admirer of hers. “We’re about to perform a laser treatment and he’s very courageous, but naturally, he’s a bit nervous. Would you mind saying hi?” he asked.

“How could I refuse? It’s incredible that both Dr. Bhanusali and Dr. Maughan are helping him heal from his scars,” replied Dr. Lee. “Although I’m not directly involved in his treatment, I’m more than happy to do whatever I can to make Bridger feel more comfortable and remind him of what a brave, kind, and good young man he is.”

“I feel fortunate that Bridger knows who I am and that I have the chance to meet him,” she added. “He is in excellent hands, and I’m excited to see how he progresses

A month later: Bridger’s scars are pictured before and after (left to right) his stitches were removed in August

Dr. Bhanusali clarified that two different types of lasers were being used to address the appearance (redness) and texture (smoothness) of Bridger’s scars.

Healing: The Walkers traveled to New York City in August, shortly after Bridger’s stitches were removed, for his first laser session with Dr. Bhanusali

Bridger takes pride in his scars because they serve as a reminder of his love for his sister. The goal is not to eliminate them completely, but rather to lessen their visibility so that they aren’t the first thing people notice.

“During these challenging times, Bridger serves as an inspiration. He deserves all the praise for his courage and bravery,” said Dr. Maughan. “Dr. Bhanusali and I are grateful to have played a role in his healing process and feel privileged to use our knowledge to aid in his scar recovery.”

Recovery: The top photos show Bridger’s scars before and after (right to left) his first laser treatment. The bottom shows them before and after his stitches were removed (right to left)

Bridger’s father, Robert, has shared pictures of his son’s progress on his Instagram page, which show that the little boy is already back to smiling. He is scheduled to receive a few more rounds of laser treatments this year.

In their most recent social media post, Bridger’s parents announced that they welcomed a new dog named Loki into their family to ring in the new year. “Bridger made it clear that he wanted the dog to be named Loki by putting post-it notes all over the house. How could we say no to that?!” the dad shared. “Although Bridger was initially a bit anxious, Loki is a sweet, calm, and playful puppy. It won’t be long before they become the best of friends.”

Last year, Bridger captured the hearts of thousands after his aunt, Nicole Walker, shared his remarkable story on Instagram in July.

“My nephew is a hero who saved his little sister from a dog attack,” she wrote. “He courageously took on the attack himself so that the dog wouldn’t harm his sister. He later said, ‘If someone was going to die, I thought it should be me.’ He returned home from the hospital last night.

Happy: Bridger’s parents announced on social media that they rang in 2021 with a new dog

“I know it’s a long shot,” she added, “but I’m reaching out to the Avengers and other heroes so that they can learn about this latest addition to their ranks.”

Too cute: Bridger’s parents said he ‘started off a little nervous’ with their new pet, but they quickly bonded

Anne Hathaway responded by posting photos of Bridger on her Instagram account, saying, “I may not be an Avenger, but I recognize a superhero when I see one. I can only hope that I’m half as brave in my life as you are in yours, Bridger.”

The actress tagged Mark Ruffalo, an Avengers star, who wrote a thoughtful message praising the young hero.

“Dear Bridger, I just read about what happened to you, and I wanted to reach out to say this… People who prioritize the well-being of others ahead of themselves are the most heroic and considerate people I know,” he wrote.





The exceptional bravery of a six-year-old boy, Bridger, who saved his younger sister from an attacking dog, caught the attention of many, including Hollywood stars. Mark Ruffalo praised Bridger for his heroic act in a touching message, highlighting the importance of putting others’ well-being before one’s own. He wrote that Bridger is the true embodiment of real courage, which is doing what is right even when it could cause harm to oneself.

Chris Evans, who played Captain America in the movie franchise, also sent a heartfelt video message to Bridger and promised to get him a Captain America shield. Bridger’s aunt shared pictures of his stitches and scars, which are said to be improving, and conveyed his gratitude for the comments and messages of support he received.

The family did not blame the dog owners for the incident, as they are kind people who have shown them love and support. Bridger’s aunt requested that people donate to military veteran groups and send photos of rocks to Bridger, who has an interest in geology, instead of setting up a GoFundMe page for him.

Amazing spirit: Photos of Bridger’s progress have been shared on his father Robert’s Instagram page, and the little boy is already back to smiling

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