Do Men Like Emotionally Intelligent Women? 12 Reasons They’re Good For Long-Term Relationships

do men like emotionally intelligent women

At the beginning of a relationship, a couple is often already past the getting-to-know phase. They have already scratched the surface of the other one’s personality. While some men can feel intimidated by women with high IQ, it’s a different topic for those who possess emotional intelligence. But do men like emotionally intelligent women?


The answer is yes. If a man is looking for someone to be with long-term, he usually searches for a woman who is mature enough to be in a committed relationship. The same goes with women who seek serious relationships, they also want men to be on their level of maturity.


12 Characteristics Of An Emotionally Intelligent Woman

Looks may fade but personality lasts forever, and that must be a good reason to find someone with substance based on your preference. After all, emotional intelligence is what attracts a man to a woman long-term. Here are some of the characteristics of an emotionally intelligent woman:


1. Knows how to take constructive criticisms

An emotionally intelligent woman does not take criticisms personally. She knows that the people who care about her may not mean any harm with their suggestions. Instead, she recognizes criticism as an integral part of her character development and as an opportunity to be a better version of herself.

emotionally intelligent women


2. Does what she says and is firm on decisions

As the saying goes, “you can’t talk the talk if you don’t walk the walk.” For emotionally intelligent women, the last thing they want to be is a hypocrite. When they say something, they act accordingly with it and stay consistent with their words and actions. They practice what they preach and inspire others to do the same.


3. Compassionate and empathetic towards others

Some research suggests that women display greater empathy than men, but this theory is still being debated by many. This may be because women have always been seen as nurturers in society. They are in touch with their emotions which makes them easily understand other people’s situations. Having compassion and empathy helps the relationship especially when a couple starts to hit a rough patch.


4. Open to adventures and spontaneous happenings

An emotionally intelligent woman tends to be more confident in her future as she doesn’t let a bad day become a bad life. She knows that things happen for a reason and she accepts it as a learning opportunity. This kind of woman controls what she can but compromises when she can’t. She can keep her cool any time of the day and can be flexible whenever the situation calls for it.


5. Assertive on what she believes is right

Some women can be aggressive, especially when fighting for what they think is right. But there are also women who can fight for the things they believe in and assert these properly. This means that assertive women tend to be more mature when it comes to resolving conflict. They are open-minded and always try to avoid adding fuel to the fire.

emotionally intelligent woman characteristics


6. Does not waste time on unimportant things

Emotionally intelligent women know that every day is a blessing and an opportunity to grow. When they are faced with situations that do not contribute to their growth in a positive way, they try to avoid them. Instead, they prioritize the things that are beneficial to them as a person and to the people they love.


7. Accepts her imperfections and flaws

Learning to embrace your imperfections is a skill that a lot of us are still trying to work on. But some women who have emotional intelligence know how to be contented with who they are. This does not mean staying in their comfort zone, but rather accepting the things they cannot change. They know how to love themselves unconditionally so when they get into a relationship, they do not have to find that love from another person.


8. Curious about the world around her

When a person is naturally curious, she can learn anything even in a short moment. Women who like observing their surroundings can easily adapt since they become aware of what’s working and what’s not. Their adaptability helps greatly in relationships since they know how to adjust to their partner’s needs, but not to the point that they’re over-compromising.


9. Motivated and disciplined by herself

Emotionally intelligent women are disciplined with their routines and goals because they know that it’s vital for their success. They are self-motivated and can work independently without the help of others. Men find this admirable as it can also benefit them and help them focus on their personal growth as well.

emotionally intelligent woman


10. Can communicate and speak for herself

Since emotionally intelligent women are independent and confident in themselves, they do not need someone to translate for them. This trait is beneficial in relationships as it will lessen misunderstandings between couples. They can express themselves properly while still being considerate of their partner’s feelings. They are not the type to stay silent during arguments as they know the right things to say.


11. Has a positive outlook on life

While some of us can easily feel overwhelmed by the day’s stress, these women have a strong foundation for who they are. They don’t let the negativities affect them and most importantly do not let their own thoughts pull them down. Since they know how to love themselves, they always practice positive self-talk and do the same to others.


12. Knows her strengths and weaknesses

Being self-aware is what makes these women emotionally intelligent. They know their strengths and use them to help others. They also know their weaknesses and work on them to improve themselves. Knowing their limits and openly communicating them with their partner helps lessen conflicts in the relationship. But it is also important for them to have a partner who is self-aware.


Final Thoughts

Emotional intelligence plays a significant role in long-term relationships. Having the right maturity and sensitivity are what make our bonds with others stronger. Be sure to find the good qualities in your partner and meet each other halfway to make your relationship last long.


Aside from the aforementioned, how does emotional intelligence affect relationships in your opinion? Let others know your thoughts by sharing this article.

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