Dad Shaves Daughter’s Head After Bullying A Girl With Cancer

dad shaves his daughter's hair

Bullying comes in many forms – physical, verbal, social, and even in the cyber world. Whichever way it is done, it will never be okay. One dad shaves his daughter’s head after learning that she bullied a girl with cancer and pulled off her wig.


The online world had mixed reactions to this method of discipline made by the father. But he seemed convinced that he needed to do what he did to his daughter’s hair as a punishment for the bullying.


Most people on the internet expressed disappointment and said he went too far.


The father initially took it online, posted about what he did to his daughter, and explained why he did it.


His 16-year-old daughter is under his custody after the separation from his ex-wife. He found out that his daughter got in trouble in school after making fun of another student who lost her hair in her cancer treatment procedures. The daughter also pulled off the wig of the said student.


He also mentioned that his daughter has been having quite a few disagreements with the girl and may have caused it to reach that point. The father, however, did not let it be used as an excuse for what his daughter has done.

dad shaves daughter's head


Apparently, it was a fight over a boy since his daughter was dating the girl’s ex-boyfriend, as he revealed. The tension between the two only escalated after the girl called his daughter names. That’s what triggered his daughter to pull off the girl’s wig. The two started to be on bad terms when her daughter started dating the guy.


The father then decided to give his daughter two options as a punishment.


He said that he made his daughter choose if she wants to have all her gadgets taken away or if she would rather have her head shaved.


The father also revealed that he threatened his daughter that he would throw away all her electronics and never buy her another one so she would be forced to choose the other option.


His daughter then chose to have her head completely shaved off as her punishment. However, the mother learned about this and was not happy about it.

dad makes teen daughter shave head


After he shared his story on Reddit, a website known for being a discussion platform, other users accused him of going too far and embarrassing his daughter.


One person said that what he did was a form of abuse and that there are other ways that he could have disciplined his daughter. The user also emphasized that humiliation should never be a solution to dealing with children who can be difficult to handle.


Another user shared the same sentiment and told the father how he was not a good role model for his daughter.


On the other hand, several users believe that what the father did was the right thing to do and that discipline for bad behavior does not mean being a bad parent.


What are your thoughts on this kind of punishment? Share this post and the lesson you learned if any.

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