Dad Defends Beating Up Stranger Who Picked Up His Child Without Consent

dad defends beating up stranger

In Florida, a dad defends beating up a stranger who abruptly picked up his daughter in a grocery store. The little girl was on a shopping cart when a man got her up and ran towards another aisle.


The child’s father defended his actions and said he was only trying to protect his daughter, which he felt he needed to do as the male figure in the family. He mentioned that what he did came naturally and was definitely called for as it was the best for his daughter. Unfortunately, the one time he felt this need to protect his daughter, the people around him judged him quickly.


According to the story, the family was in Publix, a supermarket chain in Florida, when the incident happened. The father was strolling his shopping cart around the aisle for baking supplies as his wife wanted to bake something for the weekend. As he was turning around the corner, a man suddenly came running towards his daughter who was sitting in front of another cart minding her own business.

dad defends beating up stranger grocery store


The father added that he didn’t see it at first. He was preoccupied with something else as he was looking for 2 dozen brands of flour and confused about a gluten variant almond flour that his wife asked him to find. He was only able to see what happened in his peripheral vision. What he saw shocked him when a total stranger swept up his child and started shaking her up and down.


He immediately came to his daughter and asked the stranger what he was doing to which he got a response that he needed to relax as he was just holding her. However, the father knew that the stranger could see that he was not okay with it. His daughter was snatched abruptly and the stranger was being too aggressive with his movements.


The little girl immediately started crying and tried to push herself away from the man’s chest with her little hands. The father attempted to grab her back but the stranger even stepped far back and told him how cute the girl was.


During that time, he could see how his daughter was already screaming loudly. He demanded the stranger not to touch his daughter and to hand her back to him immediately. The father said that he was already getting angry and started giving the man death glares. He also mentioned that he was a nice guy and it’s difficult for people to get him mad. But when it’s about his daughter, he has zero tolerance for this kind of event.

dad defends beating up stranger picked up daughter


The stranger suddenly started to walk to another aisle carrying the child towards another woman. The father immediately followed to grab his daughter but the man shouted and told him to let go. As it turned out, the stranger wanted to adopt a child that is cute as his daughter as he told the woman.


The father started beating up the stranger so he could let go of the young girl. The people who witnessed gave him disapproving looks and judged him for what he did. But he emphasized the importance of consent and respect toward children.


What do you think about the father’s response? Share this story with your opinion about the incident.

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