A dad, whose entire body is covered in tattoos, undergoes a transformation for the sake of his young daughter.

We’ve all made decisions we’re not proud of, said things we wish we could take back, and done things we later regret. But few have regrets as large and visible as Ethan ‘ModBoy’ Bramble, an Australian body modification enthusiast who has covered his entire body with over 200 tattoos.

While self-expression through tattoos is increasingly common and elaborate designs are trendy, Ethan’s commitment goes far beyond what most people would consider. He began his body modification journey at just 11 years old, starting with ear stretching, and has since undergone various procedures, including tongue splitting and belly button removal.

However, it’s his tattoos that attract the most attention. Ethan has spent approximately $60,000 AUD (around $39,000 USD) to achieve his current look. Now, he has begun to express regret over his past choices.

“I guess you could say I regret some of my tattoos,” he told LadBibleTV’s No Filter series.

“It’s not just regret; there’s a difference between regretting something and wanting to be seen differently.”

Ethan expressed concern about the judgment he might face while performing everyday activities, like taking his young daughter to school.

“The face is a significant area that can lead to many issues for some people, which I wouldn’t want my daughter to have to deal with until she’s older,” he said. “I wish I hadn’t gone as extreme with my face tattoos.”

To improve his image, Ethan has been undergoing painful laser surgery in an effort to reverse some of the ink he accumulated in his younger years.

He explained, “I’ve been undergoing laser surgery for about 12 months now. We do it in sections, but I’ve probably had the entire area treated six or seven times.”

“I started getting it done because of the anxiety and other mental issues I was experiencing. It’s hard to pinpoint, but I believe a lot of the anxiety was due to having a face full of tattoos.”

“I’m happy with how I look, but I’m also relieved knowing that over the next two years, my face tattoos will gradually diminish. I’m essentially clearing the canvas.”

What are your thoughts on Ethan’s transformation? Share your opinions in the comments!

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