5 Benefits Of Spending Time In Nature And How You Can Do It

measurable benefits of spending time in nature

With the rising number of upgraded technologies, many of us have been spending most of our time in front of screens – a TV, smartphone, computer, etc. This can easily set us into a trap of a sedentary lifestyle and unhealthy routines. As a result, people with too much screen time are at more risk of anxiety, depression, and other mental health issues.


But just as easy as it is to be trapped in unpleasant situations, it can also be easy to get back to being a happier, better version of yourself. Spending some time in nature, such as taking a walk in the park, can actually benefit your overall well-being.


Ecotherapy, also called nature therapy, has been used as a therapeutic treatment for people suffering from physical and mental illnesses. This promotes a healthier lifestyle that includes spending more time outdoors to be connected with nature, which in turn can help improve the patient’s condition.


People may have different reasons for wanting to reconnect with nature, and so they might experience this approach differs from one another. In spite of this, the benefits they can reap will usually be similar.


Here are some ways how nature can benefit your health:

how nature benefits mental health


1. It improves your mood.

As humans, it is natural for us to feel negative emotions when we’re facing problems in life. We may feel stressed and each one of us has different coping mechanisms for how we deal with our struggles. Some people may even feel anger toward their situation, and sometimes even toward themselves.


What you can do: Set up a garden in your backyard. 

Some people find gardening to be a pleasant activity that helps improve their mood. If possible, you can try growing vegetables in your garden. In this process, you can shift your focus to taking care of your plants until they grow out. This serves as a time out from all the chaos around you and helps you feel more relaxed and calm. It may also help give you a sense of satisfaction once you’re able to harvest and eat them –  if they’re edible!


2. It improves your physical health.

For people living a sedentary lifestyle due to their jobs or even by choice, physical activities may be the last of their priorities. This makes them prone to several health issues as they’re not getting enough movement that helps improve blood circulation. Their bodies’ inactivity can greatly contribute to poor health.


What you can do: Take a walk outdoors.

In this context, outdoors should be a green space, such as a park, forest, or any place in your area that offers enough natural light and air. As long as you don’t have a severe medical condition, you can try doing exercise outdoors like jogging, running, hiking, or anything that will get your body moving. Remember to do this regularly at a pace that you’re comfortable in.

how can nature benefit my mental health


3. It improves your confidence.

Some people, when experiencing stress or other difficult life events, are often found to have lower self-esteem than before. Others, on the other hand, have low confidence as it is tied to their personality. And on some occasions, when people often entertain negative thoughts, it can also directly affect their self-esteem.


What you can do: Create a green space indoors.

Nature doesn’t always have to be experienced outside of your home. Sometimes, you can bring them closer by having flowers or potted plants inside your abode. You can place them on windowsills, shelves, and the corners of your house. Hanging plants are also quite aesthetic if you have the space for it. A nice environment with garden-fresh air can help you gain a refreshed perspective to confidently face whatever life may bring.


4. It helps reduce loneliness.

Whether you’re living alone, far from your friends and relatives, or basically going through hardships, loneliness is something you will experience at some point in your life. Sometimes, low self-esteem can also be the main reason for this. But people feel loneliness differently from one another and its effects can vary from mental to physical health conditions.


What you can do: Volunteer for nature-related causes.

Being involved in group activities can help reduce your loneliness. It will even help you meet and get to know people who may be nature lovers or also just trying to reconnect with it. You can reach out to your local community organizations that initiate these events. Not only will this help you feel more connected to nature, but to other people, too, who may be able to provide support for you.

benefits of spending time in nature


5. It increases your happy hormones.

Being less lonely is good, but being actually happy is another thing. Depending on your environment, relationships, diet, or routines, the levels of your happy hormones will be influenced by these factors. That means you can have control over whether you want higher levels of happy hormones or the other way around.


What you can do: Try to walk your dog.

Or a neighbor’s dog. You can also try pet sitting as a side hustle. Just by playing with your dog, your brain already produces oxytocin, which is one of the happy hormones. The act of caring for an animal gives us the feeling of being wanted and needed, thus also improving our sense of empathy and trust. Spending time with your dog can also help reduce stress and anxiety.


Final Thoughts

There are many other benefits of spending time in nature like having improved concentration and attention. Some people also reported reduced symptoms of anxiety and depression. But whether or not you have a medical condition, you can do yourself a favor and be more present in a natural environment. Simple things like growing food in your yard, joining a community of advocates, or even fruit picking, can be of great help to the improvement of your overall health and well-being.


When was the last time you went out to connect with nature? Share this post as well as your stories of how nature helped you achieve a happier and healthier lifestyle.

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