8 Ways To Improve Family Relationships For A Closer Bond

how to strengthen family bonds

In this modern day, it has already become a privilege for some families to be able to spend time with one another. Parents can be busy with work and then children with school. But whatever it is that keeps us busy should not be an excuse not to be with our family.


Strengthening bonds with your family can directly affect your overall well-being. In fact, one study found that children who spent more time with their parents grew up to have better social skills and higher self-esteem. 


With that in mind, now is the best time to initiate a more harmonious relationship with your family. Whether you’re a parent, spouse, or child, your contribution is a big step for a firm foundation that can last for generations.


Here are some simple ways you can do to strengthen family relationships: 


1. Spend quality time with family.

Quality time can vary from a few minutes each day even to a whole weekend. Some families set aside time to spend with one another consistently each day. Busier households might prefer planning a weekend getaway or traveling to a nice destination.


But having fun doesn’t have to be expensive. You can schedule a family night even once a week. Share a laugh during game night or spend the whole day playing your favorite sports. You can even indulge in a hobby that every family member can participate in.

simple ways to strengthen family relationships


2. Do the chores together.

Not much time to clean the entire house? Try assigning a chore to every family member, with the easiest ones assigned to kids. These chores can be daily, but a weekly general cleaning should also work. This does not only teach your children a sense of responsibility, but it can also make them appreciate a clean house and eventually learn to do it without command.


3. Eat together during mealtime.

Depending on your schedules, try to set up every meal time to be an activity that you do together as a family. If that’s not possible, at least one meal time a day should suffice. Make everyone commit to a no-gadget rule during this time.


Additionally, having home-cooked meals can make mealtimes more enjoyable and can also promote healthier nutrition compared to eating out.


4. Show appreciation to your family.

A sincere expression of love and support to your family can significantly help improve their day. As simple as giving your kids a kiss on the cheek before and after school. Saying “I love you” every day and even a short embrace. Soon your kids will be able to adapt these simple ways and pass the kindness to other people as well.


When you can, give a family member a genuine compliment as soon as you witness a good act. Praise your kids when they do well at school, otherwise, support them with their studies and offer to help with homework if they’re having a hard time. Treat your spouse with a simple massage after returning home from work. If you want to do something for your parents, you can simply offer to help with anything they’re working on.

8 ways to improve family relationships


5. Have one-on-one time with family members.

Another way that you can improve family relationships is to have one-on-one time with them. Take this time to check in and ask about what’s going on in their lives. Some family members may not be comfortable sharing some things with the whole family and may only trust you or someone else. Either way, it is still necessary to reach out to them – whether they are willing to open up to you or not. This way, you can show them that you care about them and that they’re an important part of your life.


6. Have alone time.

Just as much as you need to spend time together, it is also essential that you get to have some time for yourself. Read a book, do a hobby, exercise, or even as simply as sitting quietly in an area where no one can disturb your peace.


Having some time alone can help refresh your mind whenever you feel overwhelmed with things in life. Perhaps there’s tension with another family member, it is best to step away for a while so you can properly process your thoughts and emotions. This way, you won’t do or say things that you may regret later on.

steps to strengthen family relationships


7. Spend time with other relatives or neighbors.

Family is not limited to only those you share the same house with. You can also try to pay your relatives a visit when you have time, together with your family. If they live nearby or only a few blocks away, you can encourage your family to make this a habit. Children can benefit from this as it will help them have positive relationships with relatives the more time they spend together with them. After all, expanding your family can help you build a stronger foundation of love and support.


On the other hand, you can also bond with neighbors by being involved in community activities. These can include volunteering for local nonprofits, organizing fundraising drives, and other events. This will help family members learn about the importance of community service. Moreover, you gain an extended family if the relationship goes well.


8. Encourage understanding in good or bad times.

Lastly, strengthening family relationships sometimes requires extra effort. This is especially true if the whole family started off on the wrong foot. Not everyone is lucky enough to be born into a happy family.


If you’re someone looking for ways to fix or strengthen family bonds, patience is always the key. Always be kind and understanding especially if a family member is going through hurdles in life. But don’t forget to keep your well-being in check to make sure you’re not overdoing it.


Final Thoughts

Whatever role you play in the family, you are still a big part of it and anything you do will have an impact on you. Set an example of how a good family relationship should be and hope that everything else will follow.


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