A cautionary message for women everywhere: She loses her legs due to the use of a widely available household item.

Lauren Wasser, a model from California, experienced a truly extraordinary event in 2012 when she lost her right leg. It’s hard for most of us to fathom how a common hygiene product could cause such a devastating outcome, but Lauren’s story is far from over. Recently, she faced another setback as doctors had to amputate her remaining leg. However, in the face of these challenges, Lauren remains resolute in her mission to ensure that no other woman suffers a similar fate. She is now issuing a heartfelt warning about the hazards associated with an everyday product, determined to raise awareness and prevent others from enduring what she has endured.

In 2012, Lauren Wasser, a model from California, was admitted to the hospital due to flu-like symptoms. However, it was soon discovered that her illness was not the flu but rather toxic shock syndrome (TSS) caused by bacterial toxins. The shocking culprit behind her infection was a tampon. This incident highlights the potential dangers associated with tampon use, particularly when they are left inserted for extended periods of time, leading to the development of TSS.

As a result of TSS, Lauren fell into a coma that lasted over a week, and upon regaining consciousness, she faced the heartbreaking reality of having to undergo a leg amputation due to the infection. At the young age of 24, her life was forever altered by this traumatic experience.

Ever since that life-altering event, Lauren Wasser has dedicated herself to a singular goal: preventing anyone else from enduring the same hardships she has faced. She firmly believes that nobody else should have to go through such a devastating experience.

“I have no choice but to undergo the amputation of my other leg in a few months. However, what I can choose to do is to make a difference and ensure that others are spared from this ordeal,” Lauren expressed to The Daily Mail. She has initiated a formidable legal battle against Kotex Natural Balance, the tampon brand that triggered her severe reaction.

Recognizing the vagina as the most absorbent part of a woman’s body and a gateway to vital organs, Lauren emphasizes the importance of consumers being fully aware of the potential risks. In an article for InStyle, she writes, “It is crucial for individuals to understand the reality of what could happen to them.” Regrettably, Lauren recently underwent the distressing experience of having her remaining leg amputated, further fueling her determination to raise awareness and effect change.

Upon leaving the operating room, Lauren wasted no time in sharing a powerful message on her social media platforms. Accompanied by Paralympic athlete Amy Purdy, who also experienced leg amputations, Lauren posted a photo and conveyed her thoughts:

“Life is about to undergo yet another significant change! However, I remain in high spirits and am prepared for the next chapter”

This courageous individual has my utmost respect. Lauren’s unwavering determination to fight, coupled with her strength and optimism, is truly inspiring. Her battle extends beyond her personal journey, as she continues to advocate for others, ensuring that nobody else has to endure the same challenges she has faced.

Please help raise awareness about Lauren’s story to ensure that all women are aware of the potential dangers of tampons.

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