Desiree Fortin, mom who struggled with infertility, on the joy of raising triplets

Did you know that about 20% of couples face challenges when trying to conceive? It’s a tough and stressful journey for many. However, there are stories of hope and resilience that prove patience and determination can lead to incredible outcomes.

Desiree and Ryan Fortin, a couple who had been waiting eagerly for years, decided to explore in-vitro fertilization as a possible solution. They held onto their faith, hoping that it would bring them the miracle they longed for.

Then, something extraordinary happened. Shortly after undergoing the IVF treatment, Desiree received news that she was finally pregnant. Little did they know, their lives were about to be forever changed by a surprise they couldn’t have anticipated.


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Desiree and Ryan Fortin, a couple who fell in love during their college years and have cherished their marriage since 2009, had one challenge that overshadowed their happiness (the struggle to conceive).

Desiree received a heartbreaking diagnosis from doctors: polycystic ovarian syndrome, hypothyroidism, and low progesterone. They embarked on a three-year journey filled with hope, disappointment, and emotional exhaustion before finally deciding to explore in-vitro fertilization.

However, their path was far from smooth. Instead of the long-awaited positive pregnancy tests, Desiree faced the recurring disappointment of her period arriving month after month. It became an overwhelming mental and emotional roller coaster for the couple.


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“It wasn’t just the struggle to conceive,” she reflected on those challenging years. “Infertility brought me to the point of shedding more tears than I ever imagined possible. I found myself lying on the cold bathroom floor, feeling utterly empty, after countless negative pregnancy tests. The path we had to take was filled with injections, bruises, and a barrage of medications. When you face infertility and turn to fertility treatments, that’s the reality you confront. It’s an expensive and draining journey—physically, emotionally, and mentally.”

Given this understanding, it’s no wonder that Desiree and Ryan were absolutely overjoyed when they received the news that their first IVF treatment had successfully worked. The moment was nothing short of pure elation for them.

Their amazement knew no bounds when they saw the ultrasound. Not just one, but three little miracles were growing inside Desiree’s womb! It was an incredible success beyond their wildest dreams.

But their journey was far from over. The challenges continued for Desiree and her family.

Despite finally achieving pregnancy, doctors delivered a disheartening warning to Desiree. They cautioned her that carrying all the triplets to full term might not be possible. “You’re too thin, too short, and it’s your first pregnancy,” they told her. But Desiree refused to let their words dampen her hope.

As she looks back, she recalls how her determination proved them wrong, defying the odds. Her hope was unwavering.

In the summer of 2015, the Fortin triplets made their grand entrance into the world. At 34 weeks and one day, Desiree underwent a C-section to bring them into the loving embrace of their parents.

The joy of Desiree and Ryan knew no bounds as they welcomed their precious bundles of joy, Sawyer, Jack, and Charlize. Each baby weighed over 5 pounds, filling their parents’ hearts with overwhelming love and gratitude.

Desiree vividly recalls the delivery day, an unforgettable moment etched in her memory. Parenthood, as it often does, presented unexpected twists and turns. After the triplets were born, Ryan accompanied them to the neonatal intensive care unit, while Desiree was sent to recovery.


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Desiree encountered unexpected complications and bleeding, which necessitated emergency surgery. Consequently, she wasn’t able to lay her eyes on her precious children immediately. However, Ryan stepped in and bridged the distance by FaceTiming with her, ensuring that the new mother could catch a glimpse of her little miracles.

After spending two weeks in the NICU unit, all three babies were finally deemed healthy enough to go home and embark on their journey of life together.

For Ryan and Desiree, settling into their home with their three precious bundles was an immense gift—one that filled their hearts with immeasurable joy and gratitude.


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“We feel incredibly blessed, but being parents is no easy task. It comes with great responsibilities, especially when caring for three little ones with severe reflux and colic. Establishing a routine has been challenging, and sleepless nights and adjusting to a new routine have taken their toll on us. However, we’re determined to maintain a strong relationship amidst the chaos,” shared Desiree.

Now, the triplets have turned 7, and the entire family is doing wonderfully. They’ve faced and overcome various challenges, cherishing the joys that come with the remarkable journey of parenthood.


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You can stay updated on their life and exciting adventures through Desiree’s Instagram page, where she has amassed an impressive following of 150K fans.

Desiree expresses her gratitude, sharing, “I never could have imagined that our story would touch the lives of so many people. It has been an extraordinary journey beyond my wildest dreams.”

Desiree, thank you for opening up and sharing your story and life. Your experiences have the potential to offer hope and support to other couples who may be facing the challenges of infertility. Your courage is truly inspiring, and I appreciate you for making a difference in the lives of others.

Eight Years Later: Injured but Alive, 17-Year-Old Who Went Missing in 2015 While Walking His Dogs Is Found”

I love you my son.