Is It Ok To Walk Away From A Bad Relationship? 9 Reasons To Consider

is it ok to walk away from a bad relationship

Some people choose to stay in a relationship because they have already invested a lot in it. Unfortunately, it can be a real disappointment that you spent time and effort and eventually find out you’re not compatible. If you have come to the point where you ask yourself, “Is it ok to walk away from a bad relationship?”, then you are not alone.


Stress In A Relationship

While stress is common in relationships, it is not something that you’d like to grow on you and your partner. Frequent arguments or shows of indifference are both harmful to relationships. Clear communication with your partner is always the key to making things work.


However, some people would rather fight and scream at each other than talk about their problems properly. This is when the situation becomes more complicated. If the cycle does not stop, the stress it brings can turn your once love-is-in-the-air relationship into a bad one.


walk away from a bad relationship


9 Reasons To Walk Away From A Bad Relationship

It’s always important that you and your partner have proper communication to work things out. But if you think that the relationship is beyond repair and need some good reasons to break up, here are some that you can consider:


1. You only live once.

As the saying goes, live as if you’ll die tomorrow. And if you will, you don’t want to spend your last day being miserable in the relationship. You can still have meaningful bonds with your family and friends, which can be more important than a romantic one. You can live your life being happy and chasing your dreams while you still have the energy for it.


2. You are one-of-a-kind.

No matter how you (or your partner) make yourself feel like you are not worth it, you are so much more than you can imagine. You should be able to see the uniqueness you possess and how other people admire you for who you are. The only reason that the relationship is not working out is that the two of you are not compatible. Simply put, there is someone out there who will be a perfect match for you.


3. You can be someone’s hero.

You might not notice it every day, but a lot of people are also tied to toxic partners. When you take the courage to walk away from a bad relationship, you might inspire someone else to take action towards their situation. Even if you don’t know them personally, you can make them feel empowered of being able to protect themselves and stand up for what they deserve.


why is it hard to walk away from a bad relationship


4. Someone out there is willing to love you unconditionally.

There are 7 billion people in the world and you’re currently with one person. If your partner is not willing to go above and beyond for your relationship needs, you are free to walk away from a relationship that only makes you miserable. Some people are bad partners, but that does not mean that everyone else is.


5. You need to be more independent.

When we are committed to someone, we tend to be more dependent on them. Some people can become too clingy and rely on their partners for a lot of things. While it can be seen as a sweet gesture, it can sometimes be seen as a toxic trait when boundaries are not respected. If you choose to walk away from a bad relationship, you can learn how to be more independent. This means that you will be able to do things on your own with little help from other people. Additionally, being independent teaches you to be stronger and more resilient in life challenges.


6. The relationship negatively affects your health.

Aside from the physical health problems you may experience (like being tired all the time), mental health problems are also a cause for alarm. This includes depression, anxiety, insecurity, paranoia, and many more. Some people will shrug it off and say that it will pass. Unfortunately, these problems may cause long-term effects on someone’s mental health. If you find yourself feeling the abovementioned situations, you may be in a toxic relationship. And it is a sign that you need to break up.


7. You can have a new, better life.

It is normal to feel empty after walking away from something that has been with you for a long time. But you should not let the emptiness consume you. When you find yourself missing a negative relationship, you can always choose to distract yourself by finding something to be busy about. Call your friends and spend more time with them. Find a new hobby or continue the ones you have put off. The list of fun activities you can do is endless and can be done on your terms, without seeking approval from someone. Eventually, these activities will fill the emptiness and you won’t notice it’s gone. 


why is it so hard to walk away from a bad relationship


8. It causes more pain the more you prolong it.

Each one of us carries baggage with all our traumas in it. It doesn’t matter how long since it happened, but certain negativities do stick in our minds whether we like it or not. Unpleasant memories of what was done and said can remain in our subconscious and may trigger us in some ways. If the relationship only causes you pain and stress, you don’t want to postpone putting an end to it. Your baggage contains enough and it is your duty not to overflow it.


9. Your kids may also suffer.

This situation applies to those who have kids, although close friends and family may also be affected. Whatever bad situation you and your spouse are involved in, kids can feel the tension whether they witnessed what happened or not. This can also cause stress to the kids and negatively affect their mental health as well. You can walk away from a bad relationship but still fulfill your obligations as parents independently.


Final Thoughts

It is hard to end a relationship you once held dear. However, you have to remember that if your well-being is compromised, you can either meet halfway with your partner or simply say goodbye. At the end of the day, you are responsible for your happiness and your health. Live according to your terms and enjoy every moment life will give you.


What else do you think are valid reasons to walk away from a bad relationship? Share this article and you may help someone looking for signs.

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