8 Signs Your Partner Is The One You’re Meant To Be With

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Some people say that a relationship works because of the compromise they give for each other. On the other hand, some would say that you need to be soulmates so the relationship will last long. Both can be true, but the most important thing is that your connection must feel natural, comfortable, and secure even from the beginning. This article will provide you with signs your partner is the one you’re meant to be with.


8 Signs Your Partner Is The One

How do you know if you’ll stay together? The truth is you won’t know until you actually take the time to commit to the relationship. But to make things easier, here are some signs to look out for:


1. Clear commitment to the relationship

One big factor in a long-lasting relationship is when both of you are willing to put in the work. This shows how you and your partner value what you have and what you share with each other.


Attraction is not only in the physical aspect but towards a person’s whole being. And the reality is that infatuation fades for everyone. That is why you should focus more on practicality rather than a feeling to know if you’re with someone for the long term. A good partner should treat you well and if they’re giving extra effort to make you happy, that’s a good sign you can trust.

how can you tell if someone is the one


2. Respects your differences

Being respected by your partner despite the differences between the two of you shows how much they love you. It means that your feelings and opinion, as long as they don’t harm anyone, are valued in the relationship.


If your partner wants to be with you for the rest of his life, they will respect you. Since the two of you may have different personalities, there are times when you will likely fight. There are things you don’t like about them and they also have things they may not like about you. If this person shows that they can live with the things about you that bother them, that means they respect you.


3. Communicates effectively

A sign of a healthy relationship is when the two of you can talk about anything – openly and honestly. You can tell them secrets and you feel secure that they won’t judge you for it. A good partner will also listen intently to your concerns without interrupting you in the middle of a sentence.


Another sign your partner is the one is when you’re almost always on the same page. Sometimes, you won’t have to even actually talk about it because your partner already understands what’s going on in your mind. Moreover, you can always expect them to use kind words whenever you’re in an argument.

signs your partner is the one


4. Laughs and jokes with you

Being able to laugh and joke in your relationship will help you feel more positive about each other. It also makes you be more attracted to and in love with the person. Whether watching a funny movie or going out for a fun date, you can make your bond stronger simply by sharing a laugh or two.


In addition, you can also tease each other playfully when you’re both comfortable in the relationship. Since laughter is the best medicine, it can help you feel better and even healthier. It can stimulate circulation and muscle aid relaxation which helps reduce stress.


5. Creates a unique routine

Sometimes, a relationship becomes boring when you keep doing the same things over and over again. How do you know if someone is the one? You’ll know they are if your partner does not let your routines become mundane. Every now and then, they do something different or make the two of you do a ritual together to spice things up. Simple gestures like serving breakfast in bed or setting a schedule for weekend activities can help improve your relationship. Being spontaneous is also more recommended as this serves as a small surprise that can give excitement for the two of you.


6. Encourages and motivates

Not everyone is lucky enough to be in a relationship where they both support each other. A good sign to know that your partner is the one is when they don’t stop you from doing the things you want to do. Instead, they encourage you to take risks on things that will be beneficial for your growth as an individual. They also motivate you at times when you may be losing inspiration to face life’s challenges. Having a supportive partner can make your relationship last longer as they won’t hinder anything that can help improve your bond as a couple.

how do you know if youll stay together


7. Has sincere trust in you

Some argue that relationships are impossible to be perfect. Each couple faces ups and downs one way or another. But despite every challenge, a good partner should be able to keep trusting you in every way that they can. Remember that action speaks louder than words. So if your actions don’t match what you preach, it will be difficult for your partner to trust you completely. Always be consistent when showing genuine intentions and remind your partner to do the same. You should also avoid lying to your partner, breaking your promises, and not being available at times when they need you the most.


8. Makes you a better person

Most people believe that if your partner makes you feel like you’re becoming a better person, then that’s all the sign that you need. With all the love, support, and encouragement you’re getting from them, you will know that they’re definitely a keeper. Everything around you feels surreal in a good way when you’re together. They can influence you with their positive aura and the kindness they give to the people around them. You feel more confident and secure about yourself, which is very important in a relationship.


Final Thoughts

Many people think that they should be compatible in all aspects for the relationship to last long. But the truth is having a healthy relationship is achieved through mutual compromise, understanding, and hard work. Make sure that you are with someone who appreciates you and makes an effort for the relationship.


With the signs listed above, did it make you agree that you’re with the right partner? Share this article whether you’re currently in love or enjoying single life.

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