7 Reasons You Should Never Give Up On Yourself And The Benefits Of It

how do i not give up on myself

Whenever we are faced with setbacks, we have always considered giving up as it seems to be the easiest option. No matter how you try to be optimistic about your situation, some problems are not easy enough to overcome. It is even more challenging to convince yourself that you can get through it especially when you find it hard to see why you should try harder. So if you feel like the world is turning against you, remind yourself of the reasons you should never give up.



7 Reasons You Should Never Give Up

As the saying goes, “Winners never quit, quitters never win,” take some time to reflect on which one are you. If you decided that you want to be a winner, here are some motivations and reasons you should never give up on yourself:


1. You’ve already invested time and effort.

When you’ve been eyeing that job promotion, you would normally give more time and spend long nights just so your boss will notice how you’ve been working so hard. You may have come to that point that you feel like nobody is recognizing your effort. But remember that all your hard work will pay off after a few months or in a year. A great milestone doesn’t happen overnight so you need to be more patient.


Continue persevering and reaching for your goals instead of giving up easily. Once you developed a never-give-up attitude, you will eventually abolish your doubts and negative thinking which will then make you more resilient in facing new challenges that come to your life.

reasons you should never give up


2. You may never know how close you are.

Imagine being trapped in an underground tunnel without no sign of exit points. Everything is dark and you are moving based only on how you feel and touch your surroundings. You have no idea if you’re going back in circles or if you’re moving on a straight path. If you choose to suddenly stop moving and give up, you may never know that you may actually be a few walks away from reaching the end of the tunnel.


Even if we have no clue about the progress we’re making, choosing to move forward is always the best way. Never stop exploring and discovering things as it will help us find new and better opportunities in life.


3. Every problem has a solution.

No matter how difficult your situation is, you have to remember that all problems have solutions. If you can’t seem to find an answer, one solution will eventually appear. The most important thing is that you don’t give up and continue looking for possibilities to help you get through the problem.


Find your source of inspiration and get the motivation you need. Take risks and don’t be afraid of what comes next as you move forward. These experiences will give you the edge that other people don’t have. You will be able to strengthen your spirit and become stronger as you improve your weak spots.

why you should never give up on yourself


4. You are responsible for your future.

In every situation, you are the one who decides what should happen next. Whether you view things positively or negatively, it is up to you how you will respond to them. You can either see your situation as if the world is unfair, or you can see it as a chance to learn new things.


If you choose to challenge yourself instead of giving up, your desire will be ignited. How we act every day will determine if we are moving closer to or farther from our dreams. We will have the chance to become better people if we always keep ourselves motivated to pursue our goals.


5. Failure teaches us a lesson.

If you are living a comfortable life, you will find every little problem uncomfortable and are more likely to pass the responsibility to another person. If you’re someone who has experienced a lot of struggles in life with only yourself whom you can depend on, you are more likely to shake off the discomfort of a problem and focus on finding solutions instead.


It is perfectly normal to face failures every now and then. The most important thing is that you learn from the failure and use the lessons you learned to solve problems in the future. You will be more efficient and have improved emotional intelligence as time goes by.


6. Challenges make you resilient.

“Resilience is the process and outcome of successfully adapting to difficult or challenging life experiences, especially through mental, emotional, and behavioral flexibility and adjustment to external and internal demands,” as defined by the American Psychological Association.


The more challenges you face in your life, the more you become resilient and are less likely to give up. This trait is crucial to your desire to achieve success. As you become resilient, you will also develop an optimism that will make you believe that anything is possible as long as you work hard for it. That will help you gain the energy you need to face challenges and take action.

why you should not give up on your dreams


7. You may find a deeper purpose in life.

Some people may have already found their purpose in life, but some are yet to find it. When you have a clear reason for why you are trying to achieve something, then you are more likely to grab every opportunity that comes your way. Sometimes, you may even find a different purpose that will give you a much deeper perspective and understanding around you.


Final Thoughts

It may not be easy to motivate ourselves when faced with problems, but remind yourself that every setback is an opportunity to learn. Failures are normal and a part of life so we should also prepare ourselves for disappointments. It does not mean you are weak, but being able to overcome challenges only makes us stronger to fight for our dreams and resilient enough to face tomorrow.


What do you do as a self-reminder on why you should never give up on yourself? Share this post with someone you think may need some motivation today.

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