4 Reasons People Stay Single By Choice And The Benefits Of It

reasons people stay single

Apparently, we were raised to believe that each one of us is destined to meet the love of our lives. While a lot of us are in the search of true love, some people are in search of their true selves. And there are just countless reasons people stay single than be in a romantic relationship.


4 Reasons People Often Stay Single

Just like there are many benefits to having a partner in life, there are also perks singlehood offers. The people who choose to stay single may just be as contented as those in relationships. Here are some reasons people stay single:


1. They already find joy in their non-romantic relationships.

Single people often do not see romantic relationships as great as what they have with their family and friends. These people choose to be single so they can focus on the people around them. Here are some examples of how they value their non-romantic relationships:


Contributing to the community

It might not sound as important, but single people are often more likely to be actively participating and contributing to their community. This might be true for those who are in their 40s or over. Activities such as monthly donation drives and weekly neighborhood cleanups are on their to-do lists, and it makes them happy.  


Diverse circle of friends

When people are in a committed romantic relationship, somehow they take a break from meeting new people or friends. Their time is now allotted to their partner and the things they do together. Single people are more likely to have a diverse group of friends as they never stop exploring. They can be friends with people from different cultures and backgrounds, which can be more exciting.


Focused on helping the family

Of course, a lot of us want to help our families the best way that we can. However, single people have more energy and time to spend with their families. They choose to be single because they already find contentment and happiness just by having their parents and siblings around.



2. They have the freedom to do what they want.

People who choose to be single often get to do the things they want as they are not committed to someone else. They might not like responsibility as it may sometimes get in the way of the things they enjoy. These include:


More time for hobbies

When in a relationship, people will more likely be spending less time on the things they like doing. Their time will then be devoted to their partners. Single people can have their time spent on hobbies without the need to check on a partner. If they like spending their day reading books, no one can disturb their focus and just on for a whole day.


No need for compromises

People in relationships usually need to compromise to agree on something. One example is when they have different tastes in movies – one likes action and the other likes romance. A single person doesn’t need to have this kind of compromise for someone. They can go to the cinemas alone and enjoy the movie any time of the day.


Spontaneous travels

When traveling with a partner, there are usually more things to take care of. Especially when they’re both working, they had to arrange a date they can both get a leave. And sometimes, getting the same date is not easy. A single person can travel spontaneously anywhere anytime.



3. They can manage their health and prioritize it.

Although being a single person doesn’t necessarily mean they are healthier, being able to prioritize your health will do. Since people who are single have more time for themselves, they can choose to improve their health every day. Here are some ways:


Physical Health

According to studies, single people are more likely to do exercise compared to married people. This can still be associated with having more time than those with partners. Additionally, single people tend to be more conscious of their appearance, even if they’re not looking for any attraction.


Mental Health

While anyone can experience stress despite their relationship status, a single person has fewer problems to worry about. Those in relationships tend to have more stressful moments since they always compromise. Single people do not need to worry about adjusting to someone else’s needs and wants, thus better mental health for them.


Financial Health

For obvious reasons, people choose to be single so they can save some money. If they are in a relationship, then having more expenses is more likely. Single people will only have to pay for their needs. They won’t have to worry about other possible expenses such as finding a suitable house with a partner.



4. They are focused on self-improvement and being a better person.

Single people find more opportunities for self-growth when not tied to another person. They take every experience learning something new and improving themselves. Here are some of them:


Career growth

Being in a commitment means a person should be able to balance career and relationship for it to work. People often choose to be single so they can focus on their jobs. Years of dedication in their career would mean higher paycheck, more benefits, and promotions. 


Not dependent on others

As people choose to stay single, they develop self-sufficiency over the years. They learn how to rely on themselves instead of other people when they need something. This also shows that their independence can help them succeed in life.


Becomes more resilient

Anyone has their ups and downs. But single people are more likely to face life challenges alone since they do not have a partner to rely on. Being able to survive problems by themselves is what helps make them stronger and more resilient to whatever life may bring. 


Final Thoughts

A person can be happy and content whether they are single or in a romantic relationship. It is up to your preference if you like having the benefits of being single or having a partner. Just remember that your happiness should always come first.


Do you prefer being single or in a relationship? Share this article with your friends who might need some reminders of why being single is still a great thing!

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