
The mother of twins, one black and one white, frequently encounters questions about which child is biologically hers.

When she gave birth in February of that year, this 31-year-old Nigerian woman had no clue about the journey she was about to embark on. Now, she can easily tell her identical twin sons apart. Despite being born just minutes apart, Daniel and David bear no resemblance to each other.

Stacy and Babajide, both black and residing in Lagos, are the parents of these two unique albino twins. Wherever they go, these adorable twins attract attention due to their strikingly different appearances. David possesses stunningly pale skin, golden hair, and a white complexion, while Daniel takes after his 5-year-old older sister Demilade, with dark skin and black curly hair.

Within just one year, the twins garnered an impressive following of nearly 18,000 on Instagram, thanks to Stacy’s decision to document their extraordinary experiences on the platform.

The arrival of the twins on February 26 of the previous year took everyone by complete surprise. “During my pregnancy, we had no idea about their differences. The ultrasound didn’t reveal anything unusual, so it was a tremendous shock and the most incredible moment when the first twin, Daniel, was born with black hair, followed by the second twin, David, with golden hair,” shared Stacy, a mother of three, who had given birth via cesarean section. “The doctors were taken aback and commented, ‘It appears you have completely non-identical twins.’ Before I knew it, nurses began gathering to catch a glimpse of them,” Stacy explained.

The twins were easily distinguishable from each other, with one being black and the other white. Stacy also shared her husband’s heartfelt reaction to this unexpected development. “Their dad was truly overwhelmed and promptly named My Twin 2 (David) ‘Golden,’ affectionately referring to him as Mr. Golden. He was filled with joy upon seeing his boys. He stood there for more than 10 minutes, gazing at them, and expressed that he was marveling at God’s magnificent creation, considering them as his most precious gift ever.”

David belongs to the highly uncommon category of individuals with albinism, a condition that affects just 1 in 20,000 infants. Albinism is a congenital condition that alters one’s appearance due to a lack of melanin, the pigment responsible for skin, hair, and eye color. It affects individuals across all racial and ethnic groups, with varying degrees of pigmentation. Albinism is a rare condition, with a birth probability ranging from 3,000 to 20,000. People with albinism need to exercise great care as it can lead to various skin and vision complications.

Nigeria is among the countries with the highest prevalence of albinism in the world, with over two million confirmed or suspected cases. However, the statistics also reveal that this community faces significant prejudice due to the color of their skin. More than 600,000 albino Nigerians endure discrimination and harassment from their peers, families, and communities, often leading to challenges in employment and academic pursuits.

Stacy proudly stated that both of her sons are cherished and loved unconditionally, without any unpleasant comments ever directed towards them. She mentioned, “Whenever we go out, there are always whispers and curiosity from people who want to know more about their story. Perhaps it’s because of their charming and adorable nature that people are drawn to approach us and say hello.”

Due to their unique features, the twins’ family has received modeling offers from agencies in the UK. The family is open to exploring any opportunities that come their way and has created an Instagram account to share their happiness and shed light on important issues. Stacy and I decided to create the account to raise awareness because we believe that they have a compelling story to share.

“They have two distinct and wonderful personalities. They are now over a year old, walking, and full of playfulness,” Stacy shared. “Daniel is more expressive, while David tends to observe. Both of them have a strong curiosity. Daniel is a food enthusiast, whereas David can be quite selective. Daniel is incredibly playful, while David chooses his moments. Daniel naturally takes on the role of the older brother in their games. They are both full of energy and vitality.”