
Mother Refuses to Stop Sharing Images of Son Despite Online Bullying

In today’s digital age, social media has become a prevalent mode of communication for the majority of individuals. It has become customary to share pictures of children with friends and family, allowing them to partake in the joy of witnessing their growth and milestones. However, for one young mother, the experience of posting images of her child online has taken a drastically different turn, with hurtful comments and negative treatment directed towards her child. But she is determined to speak up and share her perspective.

Natasha, a new mother, is embracing the journey of parenting and takes pleasure in sharing pictures of her one-year-old son, Raedyn, on social media, just like many other mothers do. Unfortunately, unlike most mothers, Natasha finds herself subjected to severe online bullying due to hurtful remarks about her son’s appearance.

Natasha, a mother who shares videos of herself and her one-year-old son Raedyn on TikTok, has been receiving a large number of comments asking her to stop posting images of her child. However, Natasha refuses to be bullied and has a message for those who criticize her: “I will not stop… he is perfect, even though he looks different.” She has lost count of the number of messages she has received asking, “What’s wrong with your child? Why does your child look like that?”

Natasha proudly shares videos of her son Raedyn on social media, despite the cruel comments she receives. Raedyn was born with Pfeiffer syndrome, which affects the limbs, face, and skull, but Natasha sees him as perfect just the way he is. Unfortunately, hurtful comments like “What quality of life will he have?” and “Why would you make him live like that?” plague her posts. The negativity doesn’t stop there as Natasha reveals that strangers approach her in public to ask insensitive questions like “What’s wrong with your child?” Natasha urges people to show kindness and compassion, stating, “That’s not how you talk to a human being.”

Natasha finds it exhausting to be in public because of the constant questions and remarks she receives about her son’s health condition. She doesn’t understand why people are so interested in him just because of his appearance. To her, Raedyn lives a normal life like any other child, and she believes he deserves acceptance and a chance at life. Despite the hurtful comments and insensitive questions she receives, Natasha is determined to fight for her son’s rights and will not let anyone’s ignorance bring her down.

“She said, ‘As a mom, people need to understand that my son is just a baby, and our life doesn’t revolve around his diagnosis.’ Natasha dislikes it when she is approached by curious people during her day, as it feels invasive. ‘We are just a regular family. I hope that someday the world will embrace disabled individuals and not judge them based on their appearance or limitations,’ she added. It is disheartening to see that even in modern times, people are quick to criticize those who are different from them. Let us hope for a future where inclusivity and kindness prevail.”

We’re sending Natasha and young Raedyn our love. Send them your best wishes along with us.