
High School Boy Learned To Sew When His Prom Date Couldn’t Afford Her Dress

Most teenage boys probably want to spend their time playing sports or video games. But this particular high school boy learned to sew because his prom date couldn’t afford her dream dress.


Parker Smith, the boy behind the amazing prom dress, revealed that it’s been his dream to become a costume designer for broadway. Creating the prom dress started this journey towards reaching his dream.


For most teenage girls, dressing up in a beautiful dress for high school prom is one of the highlights of their lives. However, not everyone can afford a dress they like which usually costs more.


Addi Rust is Parker’s best friend who was also a high school senior in Indianapolis at that time. In February 2019, Addi told her best friend that she couldn’t afford the dress she wanted and joked with him that he should make it.


Parker, who was also her prom date, eventually become serious about her suggestion. He realized that he might be able to create one for his best friend. Parker took it as a challenge so he learned to sew by himself and after a few months, he was able to complete the dress for his prom date.


What Parker did not realize is that the dress he made for Addi would be the start of his journey to his dream. During the process, he made a sketch of the dress and designed every little detail by himself. After finishing the sketch, he learned to sew while also asking for tips from his grandmother. He spent sleepless nights so he could finish the dress before the prom comes. And as a perfectionist, he exerted a lot of effort into the dress so her prom date would be able to wear something she would be happy about. This caused him to redo many parts of the dress so it would be perfect.


According to his interview, he was still up adding more stones to the dress the night before prom. With all his efforts, the dress he made completely made Addi happy and grateful, even feeling like a princess. Their story went viral and Parker was discovered by people who offered him work opportunities. He also revealed that he plans to study costume design and musical theater once he goes to college.


Parker told the media he conducted an interview with that he didn’t expect to have this bizarre experience. He said that he only sewed two stitches before even making the dress. So he was able to enjoy every moment of making it and said he was just having fun.


This story was discovered on the internet and people loved what he did. He got many opportunities to sew several dresses for theatre productions, one of which is for a show of Cinderella by Footlite Musicals. His best friend Addi continued to give full support for his every journey milestone.


Check out his other work below:


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