
76-Year-Old Polio Survivor, Paralyzed at 6, Among the Final Few to Use an Iron Lung

In a life that stands out from the ordinary, Paul Alexander, aged 76, has defied the odds. For the majority of his years, he has relied on an iron lung, placing him among the dwindling few worldwide who still depend on this respirator that traces its roots back to 1928.

Despite these extraordinary circumstances, Paul has embraced life to the fullest, refusing to be defined by limitations. His resolute spirit is evident as he boldly declares, “I refuse to allow anyone to impose restrictions on my life. It’s simply not something I will entertain. My life is nothing short of incredible.”

In a quiet suburb of Dallas, Texas, back in 1952, six-year-old Paul rushed into his family’s home, his vibrant spirit dampened by an overwhelming feeling of illness. It was a stark departure from the normalcy that had defined his young and active life since his birth in 1946.

As he relayed his discomfort to his mother, the words she uttered in anguish still echo in Paul’s memory: “Oh my God, not my son.”

Following the doctor’s orders, Paul spent several days confined to bed, hoping for recovery. However, it became painfully evident that he was suffering from polio—a relentless adversary. His condition deteriorated rapidly, leaving him unable to hold objects, swallow, or even breathe within a week of falling ill.

Desperate for answers, his parents rushed him to the hospital, where he became one among numerous children plagued by similar symptoms. In an era devoid of polio vaccines, the virus indiscriminately left more than 15,000 individuals paralyzed in its wake. Its highly contagious nature meant it could be transmitted silently, even by asymptomatic carriers.

Fatigue, fever, stiffness, muscle pain, and vomiting characterized the symptoms of polio, but the disease’s cruelty extended further. In rare instances, it led to paralysis and death, forever altering the lives of its unfortunate victims.

A Second Chance at Life: Paul’s Miraculous Rescue from the Brink of Death

In a moment of despair, Paul found himself at the mercy of fate. After being examined by a doctor who delivered a devastating pronouncement of his demise, a glimmer of hope emerged when another physician intervened, granting him a precious second chance at life.

With urgency paramount, the second doctor swiftly performed an emergency tracheotomy, a life-saving procedure. Once the surgery was completed, Paul was entrusted to the care of an iron lung—a mechanical respirator designed to sustain his breathing.

Days later, as Paul gradually regained consciousness, he found himself surrounded by rows of other children, all encased within the confines of iron lungs. The disorienting experience left him grappling with unsettling thoughts and vivid imaginings. Recounting his reflections, the Texas native shared, “I was filled with confusion, not knowing what had transpired. My mind conjured countless scenarios—had I truly passed away? Was this a coffin? Or had I been transported to an undesirable realm?”

Paul’s tracheotomy robbed him of his voice, intensifying the already frightening situation. Struggling to move even a finger and unable to grasp his surroundings, he found himself trapped in an unnerving state of confusion.

“I attempted to exert any form of motion, but it eluded me completely. Not even the slightest flicker of movement. I longed to touch something, anything, seeking understanding, but it remained an enigma. The experience was undeniably strange,” Paul described, his voice silenced but his apprehension echoing.

The machine that engulfed him, originating in the late 1920s, marked the revolutionary inception of human ventilation. Often referred to as the “Drinker respirator” during its early days, this apparatus hermetically sealed Paul’s body from the neck down. Operating through the creation of negative pressure within its chamber, it drew air into his lungs. Should excessive pressure arise, the machine would forcibly expel the air, facilitating exhalation.

Encased within this mysterious contraption, Paul’s existence became intricately entwined with the ebb and flow of pressure, as each breath relied on the mechanical embrace that sustained his fragile life.

For an arduous span of 18 months, Paul resided within the confines of the metal canister, undergoing a painstaking recovery from the initial virus that had ravaged his body. However, he found solace in the knowledge that he was not alone. The year of Paul’s infection, 1952, cast a grim shadow when examining the statistics.

During that fateful year, nearly 58,000 individuals, predominantly children, fell victim to the virus within the United States. Tragically, 3,145 lives were claimed by its relentless grasp. “As far as you could see, rows and rows of iron lungs. Filled with children,” Paul recalled, as recounted by The Guardian.

While some may have succumbed to despair, Paul’s spirit burned with an unyielding determination. Every passing remark from doctors proclaiming, “He’s not going to make it today,” or “He shouldn’t still be alive,” only served to fuel his defiance. He was determined to prove them wrong, to show that the strength of his will surpassed the grim predictions that echoed in the hallways of the medical facility.

Defying the Odds: Paul’s Academic Triumph and Legal Success

At the age of 21, Paul accomplished a groundbreaking feat as the first person to graduate from a Dallas high school, adorned with honors, all without ever physically stepping foot inside a classroom. Undeterred by his physical limitations, he then set his sights on higher education, although his path was met with numerous rejections. However, perseverance prevailed when he received acceptance to Southern Methodist University.

Recalling the arduous journey, Paul reminisced, “They deemed me too crippled and lacking the vaccination.” But he refused to be deterred. For two years, he persisted in challenging their perception until they relented under two conditions: he must receive the polio vaccine, and a fraternity would assume responsibility for him.

Undeterred by the hurdles he faced, Paul not only graduated from Southern Methodist University but also pursued his passion for law at the University of Texas at Austin. With unwavering dedication, he conquered the bar exam, emerging as a licensed attorney in the Dallas-Fort Worth region.

“And I can proudly say, I excelled in my profession!” Paul exclaimed, reflecting on his accomplished legal career that stood as a testament to his tenacity and skill.

Even after a distinguished 30-year career in the courtroom, Paul’s thirst for productivity remained unquenched. He embarked on the ambitious endeavor of writing a book, an undertaking he accomplished single-handedly, quite literally. Using a pen attached to a stick, he painstakingly typed out his words, showcasing his indomitable spirit and resourcefulness.

According to Gizmodo, Paul is believed to be among the few remaining individuals who continue to rely on the now near-obsolete iron lung. Confined within the familiar embrace of the machine that has accompanied him throughout life, the 76-year-old remains tethered to its presence day and night, his world intricately intertwined with its mechanisms.

“I have traveled alongside it, transporting it in a truck. I have taken it with me to college, residing in a dormitory. Needless to say, it left everyone astounded,” Paul shared

Defying Limitations and Pursuing Dreams: Paul’s Unyielding Determination

With unwavering resolve, Paul expressed his unwavering motivation: “I yearned to achieve what I was told I couldn’t, to bring my dreams to fruition.” His indomitable spirit propelled him forward, determined to prove that his potential transcended the barriers imposed upon him.

While polio has been effectively eradicated from the United States since 1979, occasional instances of vaccine-derived polio cases emerge, causing ongoing concern. Despite the significant progress made, the persistence of such cases serves as a reminder of the importance of continued vigilance and efforts to safeguard against this debilitating disease.

Paul is undeniably an inspiration. He has constructed his life despite formidable challenges and possesses a story filled with bravery and captivation that I wish for every reader to disseminate. Please Do not forget to share this story with your friends to inspire them<3!